
Social Media Power and how to manage it !

In the digital age, it's not only entertaining to be online but also to be resourceful to be online. Before 90s advertising and marketing was the offline basis which comes of a long way to become online and still growing at an increasing rate. If your business is not online then you're missing an integral part in your product life-cycle. Moving forward from 2000 when Facebook was started which was one of the popular social media sites today there is numerous nice category of social platforms catering to different purposes and needs. Instagram focuses on photo and video-based content to its users across categories, to write opinion based blogs on twitter. Going deeper content-based social media platforms which bank on the localization of content for rural India like ShareChat, Helo, Roposo and others who have taken on global giants and are set to become next unicorns in the ecosystem. With all these developments in the ecosystems and audience moving online it...

Learn to Code Why and How !

Programming  is  important  in our daily life to enhance and increase the power of computers, mobiles, PDA, apps, websites we visit, the interaction with people is also programmatic and the internet.  Programming  is  important  for speeding up the input and output processes in a machine or a process. A  programming  language is a method to communicate with machines in a systematic format.  The road to  becoming  a  programmer  is not an easy one, and a career in computer programming  is not for everyone. However, as you consider your next steps, know that many people — none of them more “destined” "suitable" to be a  programmer or a coder  than you — most have found success and happiness through  computer coding .  Anyone can learn to code , but coding isn't for everyone. In the  learn to code  community, you'll often hear one simple mantra:  anyone can learn  how to...

Started your Business? Now find ways to fund them !

Starting a business has never been easy and the journey itself is very fascinating with a lot of ups and downs. Starting up a business goes through many stages idea generation, the viability of the idea, understanding the market and the target group, developing the product, execution and lastly funding. Funding has been considered as one most of the crucial stages of business because it's the fuel that's required to run your business. Keep in mind, nobody come forward to invest in a business which is just on excel sheets, or on a piece of paper, the business should be up and running and the revenue and business model should be operative. Lately, people realize the sources of funding that could help them start the game. Major sources of funding can be divided into 2 i.e. Equity Financing or Debt Financing. Equity Financing is pledging your ownership in the company ownership with the funder. Debt Financing is that you got to pay the amount over a period of time. Bo...

Using a credit card for the first time? Know the do's and dont's of it.

Credit cards have become one of the most important revenue sources for their business.  In this era, owning a credit card is much of risk than a luxury or comfort. Risk because most of the first time users don't know the policies, guidelines, purpose, its effects on your credit history and CIBIL score and what not.  Almost every bank and an NBFC issues a credit card. Which are again issued by top payment companies like MasterCard and Visa predominantly.  Others like GE Financial(Synchrony), Mitsubishi, RuPay, and have joined to this space on the bank on the growing millennials who are seeking credit cards.  The biggest risk with credit card usage is not understanding the terms on which the credit card was issued.  When used as it is intended to, a credit card is a cost-free, short-term loan; provided you pay the credit card balance on time. If you don’t, it becomes a high-cost debt. There are just over 4 crore credit cards users in India, with close ...

Launch your first campaign on Google! Read this step-by-step Tyson !

As you browse the internet, use mobile apps, read your email, or shop online, you see ads. Google shows ads on Google products like Search, YouTube, and Gmail. Google's ad network also shows ads on 2+ million non-Google websites and apps. It is one of many ad networks that can personalize ads based on your online activity. On Google, Ads are based on personalization.  Ads that Google shows can be personalized based on many factors, like the types of websites you visit or mobile apps you've installed. If ad personalization is off, ads may still use non-personal data, such as your general location or the topics on the website or app you're looking at. Where personalization comes from Google can show you ads based on many factors, including: Types of websites you visit, and mobile apps you have on your device Cookies on your browser and the settings in your Google Account Websites and apps you’ve visited that belong to businesses that advertise with Google Your...

Is entertainment a must have on your day-to-day list ?

A study conducted by Forbes revealed that 60% of the employees boost up their motivation level by listening to songs. Yes, songs! Isn't that something we every day? Today's work culture no matter how many measures HR people take in creating engagement and conduct activities on work-life balance the employees get exhausted and don't find their me time which they actually enjoy doing. Companies like Google, Facebook, Airbnb have strict rules in place to devote 20% of their time towards working on their dream project or idea. That's the part of foreign companies which are doing their bit towards maintaining the work-life balance. Snapdeal and other retail companies repeatedly do start their morning activities with a song and flashmob where the employees stand and dance out in their own place. What a better act to start your day with, isn't it? Day-by-day entertainment from daily life is going down as the employees are expected to deliver more and more in thi...

Relationship of Talent and Knowledge.

Benjamin Franklin quoted by saying "An investment in knowledge pays the interest." For having a better life, better understanding, to sound meaningful, to take better decisions in life and at work plus to make one's life purposeful.  There's a difference between talent and knowledge.  Knowledge is a collection of different pieces of information, skills, subjective or practical understanding on any aspect, familiarization range of topics, it may not be deep but often optimum to understand about it.   Talent can be defined as a subset of knowledge into a specific stream where you acquire a deep level of understanding and ability to perform that task with ease and better than others.  What is important Knowledge or talent? Both have their own importance. It's rather complex to choose one over the other. Each has its own relevance and authority.   Talent can be monetized but knowledge is hard to be monetized. Talent is vertical...