Learn to Code Why and How !

Programming is important in our daily life to enhance and increase the power of computers, mobiles, PDA, apps, websites we visit, the interaction with people is also programmatic and the internet. Programming is important for speeding up the input and output processes in a machine or a process. A programming language is a method to communicate with machines in a systematic format. 

The road to becoming a programmer is not an easy one, and a career in computer programming is not for everyone. However, as you consider your next steps, know that many people — none of them more “destined” "suitable" to be a programmer or a coder than you — most have found success and happiness through computer coding

Anyone can learn to code, but coding isn't for everyone. In the learn to code community, you'll often hear one simple mantra: anyone can learn how to code. After all, for many self-taught developers, it wasn't too long ago that they were learning on my own. Sergei Garcia, Alvaro Videla, Danny Huang who have become either professional freelancers or working with top colleges or companies who self-taught coding

Schools in US, UK, Japan, China and even India even started classes on coding to make it a mandatory course for students to take up and work on projects. 

Coding and Programming has become important over a period of time because of the industry has moved so far, new entrants cannot catch up to that pace early, the profession is in demand, has a bright future to work as a freelancer or launch a startup of your own ad what not.

There are often times when people cannot afford professional developers, the right product development doesn't happen, or the objective doesn't get realized to its core and most of its understood by people who are expert in their field and very less by others(coders) who are still new and understanding the nunaces of the requirements which are unique. 

Age or experience or profession or study is no bar to learn coding or programming. There are several bootcamps, training institutes, online courses, MOOCs, blogs, apps, and free websites to get you to learn to code. 

In this topic I'll list down the best sources to get you to learn to code. 

A website particularly developed for teaching coding to people FreeCodeCamp. It has a unique plan for realising your goal, #100DayCodingChallenge. The website is divided into over 1400 learning engagements and over 30 projects to learn from and become an expert. More than 75 million have got benefited from the course across the world.

The beauty of the course if that the platform is so much engaging to learn from and complete the challenges and tasks with ease. 

One of the most popular places to learn code is at codeacademy. With over 45 million learners you can learn from a range of topics including SQL, Java, HTML & CSS, Python, Ruby, and C++. 

Khan Academy 
Created by Salman Khan, no not the actor but the educator who started on YouTube helping his nephew learn mathematics and physics over video uploads, it has now become a global education powerhouse. It also focuses on teaching technical skills like, SQL, HTML, C++ Java. Khan's "Hour of Code" is a program designed to introduce coding as an in one-hour computer programming class every day and is available online. 

Web Fundamentals

A Google project started in 2010 to make the world a better place with skills. Google provides its course for free to learners. It is taught by Google's employees. It is full of tutorials, projects based on HTML5 the latest release of its versions. And this is just more than an introductory course, knowledgable and experience oriented.

Mark Anderrson said : There will be 2 set of people working, one is who tell computers what to do and others who are told by computer what to do. 

To be one of those people telling computers what to do, you don't need to be a career coder. Innovation skills like figuring out what software might do for a customer that's valuable and how the user should experience your software remain extremely important. That said, you want to make sure you have the creative confidence to be intimately involved in the process of software creation.

3 benefits which you get when learned to code. 

- Change contents of your web, change the overview, formatting and much more yourself without asking anybody to do it
- You come up with a lot of ideas but the developer may not understand it clearly to which you will need to create a powerpoint. But when you yourself are a coder or programmer you can even create prototypes than just PPTs. 
- When you know the technicalities in detail with your developers its lot easy to collaborate and understand on the same page. 
- Who knows when you are an expert in your designated field you can create an app for yourself and run a business out of it. 

Try these websites and upskill yourself not for a career but just for yourself!


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