Relationship of Talent and Knowledge.

Benjamin Franklin quoted by saying "An investment in knowledge pays the interest."

For having a better life, better understanding, to sound meaningful, to take better decisions in life and at work plus to make one's life purposeful. 

There's a difference between talent and knowledge. 

Knowledge is a collection of different pieces of information, skills, subjective or practical understanding on any aspect, familiarization range of topics, it may not be deep but often optimum to understand about it.  

Talent can be defined as a subset of knowledge into a specific stream where you acquire a deep level of understanding and ability to perform that task with ease and better than others. 

What is important Knowledge or talent?

Both have their own importance. It's rather complex to choose one over the other. Each has its own relevance and authority.  

Talent can be monetized but knowledge is hard to be monetized. Talent is vertically integrated, but knowledge is horizontal across categories.

Talent can be specific and unique, knowledge may not unique but its representation differs from person to person.

Talent is seeking information from relevant sources, close aides from the same groups, highly experienced people like mentors, taught from well researched and refined articles and knowing about it from head to toe i.e. from inception to present and everything after and before that. Most importantly it is 100% authentic and well acknowledged.

Knowledge, on the other hand, gets tripled or quadrupled through various sources, as its horizontal any information regarding anything is termed knowledge. It's not taught or even much effort is put regarding seeking much information. Many people tend to remember what's most important to them.

The more you share your knowledge, the bigger it gets, but that's not the case with Talent. Everybody cannot have ample time, clear goals, clarity of thought, dedication, patience, and a right attitude to delve into Talent and keep growing in one sphere.

Talent more superior to Knowledge, why?

Because when you get ill or when the need for a financial plan, need to buy an asset or willing to get services done we always need people with in-depth knowledge, to have information on a specific part with vertically and horizontally aligned to its profession or purpose or act.

Example, when we get ill we not only need a medical prescription from a doctor but also need a list of do's and don'ts for recovery, furthermore information on knowing how it occurred, precautions to be taken, relevant diet to adapt and in some cases conduct lab tests(which is whole together a different territory for a doctor but having that knowledge of lab tests is helping him provide a new dimension to the situation.)

Think of it this way, if the bike is your product then petrol is complimentary as it gives you the much-needed resource to drive it and get around into a new direction, throttle it, slow down, understand the traffic, look back via side mirrors and start again with a defined purpose.

Such is the relationship between Talent and Knowledge!

In short, Talent and Knowledge are complementary to each and other. One doesn't grow without the other.

To get a new direction, to create a purpose, to draw a new starting point and to even draw conclusions both are required by default.

Get to more about this article in case if you need more information and instances. 

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