10 Major Communication Skills to get ANY Job!


Warren Buffett once famously said," One easy way to increase your worth by 50% is to enhance your communication skills."

Here are 10 #communication hacks to accelerate your career:

1. Talk in 3 points:

My career in management consulting taught me a golden rule-

You are an extraordinary hire if you can answer any question in 3 brief points.

Today, I look for similar traits while hiring!

2. Be the last to speak:

Nelson Mandela's father, a tribal chief, taught him a great lesson on communication-

"It is important for a leader to be the last to speak."

It's true that people who speak a lot, get listened the least!

3. Start with 'Outcome' first:

Most young professionals answer a business question with effort and process first.

The reality is CEOs appreciate 'outcome' first.

If you start answering what is critical to others, you will become unbeatable!

4. Be loud and confident:

Leaders like to invite people to jobs and meetings who increase the energy levels of rooms.

A good rule of thumb is to be ideally highest energy person in the room.

It will magically open new opportunities for you!

5. Over communicate than under-communicate:

When in doubt, always over-communicate with your boss.

It avoids doubts!

6. Resonate communication platform with your boss:

Communication platform is very important.

I am not advising late-night whatsApp communication.

But having platform synergy with your superior can go a long way toward smooth communication.

7. Learn to give upward #feedback:

I picked culture of upward feedback from management consulting.

However, you need to get the manner right- you should not come as rude.

One golden rule of giving feedback is to use ‘We’ language instead of ‘You’.

8. #Listen more than you speak:

People tend to wrongly associate communication with only speaking.

Promising leaders always focus on listening, way more than speaking!

9. Control your facial expressions:

Your face typically speaks more than you realize.

They can express your disagreement more than you would want to.

Becoming mindful of your body language will ready you for a leadership role!

10. Writing:

In the world of Instagram and YouTube, most people are losing the skill of #writing.

Today, I get 100 emails from my team.

I respond and prioritize my emails from someone who writes short, specific, and decisional points right on top.


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