Anybody can be a marketer with these simple terms.

Yes anybody can be a marketer.

In my 3 years of marketing and creating ad copies for most of the campaigns for digital platforms and marketing collaterals, I've noticed the essence of how anyone can be a marketer.

No, at least it doesn't require an MBA degree or communications background for sure. It just requires a clear mindset and the ability to make things extremely simpler.

Creating ad copies, advertising plans, and marketing collaterals although require a lot of creativity but more than that it requires sensing what the customer wants to hear.

A few keywords which can be applied in any of the collateral or an ad copy and make it more relevant to increase the outcome.

When drafting ad copies and content for marketing collaterals sue keywords like Free, Instantly, Don't miss, Limited Time, Offers, Secret, Risk -free, You.

Take up an ad, online, offline, digital, TV, print, radio and whatever form of advertisement, No ad is made without these words or some form of these words.

Human psychology is been drafted in such a way that it tends to seek the maximum benefit out of any product and for that to happen marketers and advertisers use this kind of keywords derive sales coupled with customer delight(delivering more than what is expected) which is an equation for customer loyalty.

In this write-up let's just go through what these words have in itself that make the customers swing into sales

Easy -
We want to make our lives easier. A lot easier than actually, it can be. So easy to use products are quite a win among customers. Mostly used in advertising technology products.

With these terms, the customer feels secure giving you their money. (Features of the product should also be relevant). Mostly used in financial products.

Who can't resist a freebie? Most online-focused companies try to trap you by giving away free product to make you a customer. 

Limited Time -
It creates a sense of urgency. Now-or-Never kind of a situation. A limited time offer which is predominantly a catalyst for retail companies who run limited-time offers.

Instantly -
It promises a quick return/payoff for their time and money. Mostly used in case of online services(matrimony)

Because -
The top way to create a need realization shows the customer WHY they need that product.

Secret -
Everyone wants in on a special deal, tip, trick or a deal with the products purchased. Which can enhance the perceived value of the product generated with the ad copy.

Don't Miss -
Capitalizes on the fear of missing out. If missed once, may not be able to retrieve it back when the need for that product arises. 

Marketing is ALL about the consumer. The better you understand them the better you can create a communication with the ad copy(using these keywords).

Although there may be a lot of words which can be effectively used in ad copies everything revolves around these 9 keywords.

Apart from these, formatting, size, color and visuals are important things which cannot go unnoticed. All these things coupled makes an awesome ad copy or advertising collateral.

Entrepreneurs, Small business owners, rookie marketers, ad copywriters can make the best use of these keywords savings thousands of rupees drafting it themselves.


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