Wealthiest people since the creation of Earth
These are the most exciting times we live in where every breakthrough is noted and often competed to over achieve it.
Recently Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk crossed their wealths by more than $200 billion and their companies crossing a trillion dollars market capitalisation.
Above benchmarks haven't been achieved until this year and are very calculative in the form of share held by them in their own companies.
Wealth these days is primarily driven by stock values or business ownership or even real estate and even sales or profits earned.
Although that's s type of wealth but not the wealth which is liquid. Liquid wealth is tangible yet accessible at any time and can be stored, but the above mentioned wealth types are prevalent concerning these features.
Although Jeff Bezos, Musk, Arnault, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Warren Buffett, etc are all some examples of wealthiest people alive, but these will fade away or their wealth wiped away for sure in near future and that's how the market runs for every 30-50 years wealth gets transferred and it's powers get vested to others.
My list of wealthiest people are different most of them weren't even heard of as such may be.
King Sulaiman AS aka Solomon
King Solomon of Israel Solomon and son of Dawood aka David
King Solomon was the wealthiest of all people since the human origination who was a prophet and who even commanded or even spoke to Jinns, animals with control of winds in his stride.
Qur'an mentions the story of King Solomon as an devotee of God, who went on to be granted the above powers with abundant wealth.
His wealth was measured in Qur'an as it'd be a burden for 100 hefty men to just lift of keys of the wealth he has got. He was close aide of Pharaoh the king of Egypt who claimed he was God. Qaroon was also a cousin ot Prophet Moses too. He was asked many times to pay for his zakat on wealth but no use and thus destroyed and became an example of what not to be. Yet he was among the richest but couldn't be the richest forever and his wealth got dismissed underground due to his wrongdoings. Thus making him poor.
Prophet David
He was the King of Judah and the father of Prophet Solomon too. Under his leadership kingdom expanded, flourished and became a might that other countries feared. He was so strong and sharp and devoted that he just killed Goliath with just 1 whip of his band.
He was wealthy and was a judge. His judgement forms to be the best of all times and anyone couldn't deliver such judgements anytime. Thus Prophet David was granted an army of great might. His wealth, castles, his warriorship, role of judge, and his kindness towards his people with treees and mountain humming his words of worship made him to be richest not only in money form but from various aspects too. Iron age started with him, and he was given the metal of iron who made war equipment and security tools and used to mould iron with bare hands. Sud was his kingship and prophethood. That's King David for you.
Dhul Qarnain
He was a king belonging to African countries and was righteous in approach. He name can be defined as lord of two horns. He was accumulated with power with so much that he fought and won almost half of the earth countries. He was so supportive of people and was driven to make life better for them. He was the one who again cage got and magog and safe guard people from their harm. Being a king he also used to deliver judgements and again helped out the destitute, needy and ones who are oppressed too.
Dhul Qarnain is not Alexander.
The one who claimed to be God at the time of Prophet Moses. He can be considered rich due to the amount of money invested into building pyramids and obleisks, maintaining army, running a kingdom and being arrogant enough to through money towars people to please himself. Pharoah dead body is still available as a example for those who claim to be God and are too arrogant. Despite suffering losses and feeling helpless for the signs sent by God to him via Prophet Moses he didn't believe in the message and thus behaved arrogant. Pharoah happenes to have died after the water incident in the dead sea.
Thus were the men richest men till the generation of ours. Such men cannot be found today, today's wealth is measured just in terms of money or cash in kind. Cash is never a wealth. Real wealth is knowledge and that knowledge leads to truth and that truth helps you realise and that realisation helps you prevail not only in this life but also in the next.
Although there are many other names like the Neolithic age kings, bronze age industrialists, and other monarch and caliphs, too. They may be wealthy too but the caliphs differ here because there was one Caliph who was Hazrat Osman Ghani who was wealthiest and spent on people as charity yet he maintained lifestyle very low yet was knowledgeable too. The above list i mentioned where not only wealthiest but also strong in knowledge and ability to do things and command powe, unbelievable power either through divine or made up power or moneh power. The most supreme is divine power and then the knowledge power thus is the classification of such people and that's why Prophet Solomon tops the list because he prayed for such a thing and was granted for an authority which would never be matched by anyone after him. Such was his significance. Thus concluded my list of wealthiest people.
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