Mindset Shifts to Make in 2023

Mindset Shifts to Boost yourself 

With the end of the year approaching it's a great time to start goal planning for 2023. Over the last few years I really wanted to boost my income. I knew I had the skillset and drive to put in the work but I felt something holding me back. 

Through my own reflection and by following the advice of the smartest minds on Twitter I was able to increase my income 300% from 2020 to 2021 by making mindset shifts. I've learned every positive or negative change in your life starts in the mind. 

Thoughts --> Actions --> Results. 

Here are 5 mental shifts you can make quickly to skyrocket your income and change your life in 2023 — I promise...if you internalize these you are capable of earning the income you desire.

1. Know-it-All --> Know Nothing 

It's no coincidence the smartest (and most successful) people seek to surround themselves with experts. Be smart enough to know you have blind spots and confident enough to say "I don't know." Don't let your ego prevent you from learning the information/skills you need to grow your income. 

Beginner mindset, always.

2. Money Focused --> Value Focused 

Earning money is a function of solving painful problems for others. It's easy to get excited about lining your pockets with cash. But it's not that simple, you must first deliver 10x the value you hope to receive. Rewire your brain to put prospects and customers first...being selfish doesn't work.

Money follows value.

3. Being Right --> Getting it Right 

In the real world money exchanges hands when problems are solved. If you're concerned with "credit" or being "recognized" you're being selfish. Commit to finding real solutions to real problems and you'll attract more cash and get the acknowledgement you deserve. 

The universe rewards selfless behavior and thoughts. 

4. Working Hard --> Working on Hard Things 

Income is directly related to the size/complexity of the problems you're solving. I had a baseball coach who said "washing machines work hard, but they go in circles". He could be an a**hole, but I have to admit he had a point, doing more does not equal more. 

Find the complex and sticky problems others run away from and lean in — that's where the money is. 

5. Pitching --> Listening 

The fastest way to scale income is to make more sales. Most are too eager to close deals and come off as needy while wreaking of "commission breath." Train your mind to listen to the prospect without thinking about your product/service and then present solutions tied to measurable business outcomes. 

Your close ratio will boom. 

Quick Conclusion: 

Anybody can earn more money through a commitment to delivering value and finding solutions to hard problems. But the journey starts in your own mind and requires you to ditch selfish desires. 

Train yourself to identify and eliminate problems. 


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