What are the best ways to save money?
We earn a lot, almost 90% of our life is spent in earning cash or kind. We find numerable ways to earn money. For some options are more and for some options are less. While human wants are unlimited, then sky is the limit to earn that much of amount.
One of my colleague once said, everyone has different salary structure, be it anything they find their own way of living with their earnings. Some sacrifice needs or some prioritize the need to get it satisfied. Some scholars believe, good quality education would make it easier to earn more money, but that's not true. Why? Because when you have good quality education, you need to get it at a high price, and then salaries are also higher for that job roles, and these companies are located in top cities, generally top cities command higher rentals and premium expenditure, plus the the quality of job role you are in, you accommodate yourself with the similar statuses of people to be among them to get counted.
In simple words, as human wants/needs are unlimited, people tend to spend higher higher how much ever salary or earning they earn. It's a vicious circle, where one factor depends on the other.
But what if we get to crack the code for saving money, which almost every company says these days. Like invest here, invest in SIPs, invest in gold, invest in banks FD, but still the expenses are so high that many people are not able to invest and save. We are so engrossed in fulfilling our needs that, we can keep spending upto credit card balance itself is empty.
The how do we save, how to control things, in this digital world every ad talks about hitting that buy button on screen, everything is so psychologically designed that we find it hard to refuse.
There are some ways we can try for making minimal efforts to save. These are small in nature but are of high value when started to implement. Every time you come across fulfilling a need think through these points as mentioned below.
Avoid Impulse purchases. Every business is thinking about tactics to make you buy their products. You need to protect your money from these tactics. Simply, wait 1-2 days before you buy anything. Most times, you will realize you don't need it. (If you still do, then only buy it)
Live below your income: If you spend daily on a Starbucks coffee, it's stupid. Like this, there is many stupid you do. Know them and cut back.
Make your money multiply. Money is like seeds. But it also loses it's value by 2–4% every year (inflation). You will have less seeds every year. But if you were to plant those seeds, they will make more seeds. That's why invest your money.
Earn more to save more. Even if you make a minimum-wage, you need to find a way to save. Only when you have excess money you can use increase your earning potentiel — Learn a skill and get a better job. Start a business.
Make an emergency fund. Before you even spend a penny from your monthly income, transfer 10% to a different account. Save up 6-months worth of your expenses. This will your go-to in medical or career emergencies. And no emergency is not buying a new pair of sneakers.
Surround yourself with savers. The easiest way to make a habit is to be with people who are déjà doing it. You need to find at least one economically sensible friend. He/she will hold you accountable if you were to spend on stupid.
Buy assets not liabilities. Most people spend money on depreciating items that don’t make money. Unless you are an Uber driver, a car isn’t an asset. Assets are what grows in money, like Index Funds, Roth-IRA, Real Estate. If it doesn’t make you money, don’t buy it.
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