How can you identify intelligent people?

 This is a fact that to be intelligent you don't need high IQ level or to prove your intelligence you need not to acquire a degree or a passing certificate!

Intelligence is not just concerned to studies or answering every question or even earning higher qualifications. 

At times, the intelligence that we intend to understand doesn't help to fulfill our life's goal and the intelligence we don't think is useful happens to refuel our purpose. 

The process to identify intelligent people  are just a few of many ways to do so. 

 These signs happen to be celebrated among elderly people and even younger women too. I've tried to simplify it in a gist. 

These are some signs to identify intelligent people 

  1. Your behavior towards other beings show how intelligent and well behaved you are.
  2. Your maturity in dealing problems shows your intelligence if you stay positive and optimistic at every stage of your life then obviously you will be called an intelligent person!
  3. Understanding your responsibility as a grown up (no matter what your age is) is a sign of intelligence.
  4. (Though it's not a very unique point) but avoiding drinking, smoking and other types of adulterated things shows how intelligent you are (it's a proof that you care about yourself and your loved ones).
  5. Thinking about your future/career in advance so that you can fulfill all your dreams is a sign of intelligence!
  6. Being aware about what's happening in the world gives you knowledge about many things and when you'll show interest in outside world your mind will be full of knowledge that one must know!!
  7. Respecting your elders and keeping a polite attitude towards them makes you a well behaved and an intelligent person.
  8. Coping up and adjusting in every type of situation (because you'll not get luxuries everywhere) makes you matured and an intelligent person
  9. Following your passion and hobby and managing your work life side by side plus being creative in other fields makes you a smart and intelligent person


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