How to stay ahead of the competition?

Since the day when you have been enrolled in school, from there till your death life is full of competition.

Competition is obviously a term relevantly used to define success and successful people.

It is important to believe what's working and what's not working. Similarly, what is working needs to be done more seriously and religiously and what's not working needs to be stopped diligently.

Success has never been easy to measure. Scholars say education is shortcut to success because it is that education which will leave you in a better situation than not being educated.

But education is has lot to offer than. Education is just not enough to get ahead in life, but surely education can teach you all that which is required to move ahead of the competition.

In order to support to things to do on the course of life its important to get clarity and establish best practices to ensure things go on the same way as it is expected to be.

For me 5 tasks are very much important that other things to accomplish or implement it. Preferable is to put an effort to reap in 2 pennies for each penny expensed.

Go to networking events while they go to concerts. 

- Go to networking events you will meet like mined people and learn a lot of stuff about your own industry and how's the approach towards the problems that industry in facing. Making valuable connections in developing yourself professionally. Often having thousands of connections on LinkedIn would also not be useful in finding a job too. In these type of events one can showcase self and establish a brand for him/herself to make people follow or infact become  an influencer too. The logic is the more you show it the more people will want it.

Work on your ideas while they go late to bed. 

- Work on your ideas to make it a reality. There's no harm in making your dream a reality or working on it purposefully. As Elon Musk says "If something is important enough you do it even if the odds are not in your favour. Ever in life you feel low for yourself just read about these 2 people- Masayoshi Son and Imran Khan. One is a investor who lost all his fortune in the dot com bubble of 1999 and re-established his wealth in 15 years to today where SotBank is the most influential investor and other one being the Prime Minister of the most troubled country on Earth winning 0% votes in 1999 to 100% votes trust in 2018. I mean look at their confidence in what they believed in and worked on it make it a reality.

Watch courses while they watch Netflix

- Watch courses consistently and improve at a greatest pace. In order to deliver best version of your work too one has to take up numerous courses to develop professionally. Learning through courses is important to get a superior level of thinking and gain perspectives to implement in daily course of activities and even know its execution too with the right infrastructure required.

Do more than expected while they do absolutely nothing

- Doing more than expected is not encouraged by many. Infact people argue to deliver less than what is expected too for various unnatural reasons that they get stressed out, not get paid relevantly, its out of their areas of operations, its not useful for them, its none of their business. But doing more than expected has a millions of other benefits like building trust with the people you work, developing an additional skill, adjoin 2 areas of work and innovate to create more value, and what not. Think of it this way, when you shop in a store and you get an additional gift. How does it feel for you in both the situation as giver and a receiver of the gift?

Go to Gym while they go to the bar !

- Going to gym makes us transform our lives because we start focusing  on yourself and develop as a healthy and active person. Meditation, yoga and gym are considered to be the best stress busters. Mike Tyson and Tiger woods who were at the edge of their careers too.

keep in mind these techniques to be ahead of the curve !


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