When or Why should you do your MBA?

Ever heard from people regarding job change or boss change, the key to earning more money, getting into jobs with no casualties or no effect of economic slowdowns.

A study from a recent survey revealed that most people working at the entry-level segment in India revealed this is the problems they face at work and which could be one of the reasons to a high level of attrition in the entry-level job segment.

The solution to all the problem listed above is simple for these people - Just get an MBA and it's solved.

See, what magic an MBA degree would do? It can solve your problems which can be professional or personal.

It's quite traditional in India what every graduate should do an MBA, and a staggering majority of 67% of graduate do their MBA. Most of them go with the flow, some get involved into peer pressure, few get heated due to their parent's aspirants, another set of people who don't know what to pursue as a career and they chose MBA.

In a rare nightmare, people in Hyderabad do complete an MBA just to get their name qualification printed on their wedding card.

There's a lot of disengagement in terms of career aspirations and education. Since most of the people who are able to access this era's education system are the first generation from their families. Which can be considered as a most depressing point for this to happen.

It's after an MBA that these aspirants realize that the MBA degree achieved was just money spending and time losing activity plus no ROI.

Majority of people get employed in BPOs to run their expenses or give another start to their careers. Remaining set themselves free or try here and there to get hold somewhere. 

Majority of the IT industry in India is infused with BPOs, and the majority of the revenues coming up from this vertical itself. In some cases, companies like TCS, Wipro, like companies account to 60-65% of the revenues from BPOs. These are multimillion-dollar contracts awarded to companies in India from across the world due to the cheap cost of labour.

Although the purpose of doing an MBA should be wholly differentiated and measured. To the confused audience out there don't inflict on the point of doing an MBA, if you're planning to do it it would be better if you choose to open an FD with this amount and which would definitely return back heavily and no risk.

Do MBA in only these situations -

  • When your career or job gets stuck and you are not able to experience any rapid solution to get yourself out of it
  • When you want to shift from one industry to another and really have a deep interest in it. 
  • Truly believe whether an MBA degree would help and why not another degree which could be better and get 100% than an MBA which could take you from 95% to just 97%. 

Although most CEOs like Elon Musk clearly state that an MBA degree isn't worth useful and don't even hire them at their companies because of these MBA colleges or B-schools don't teach real-life business challenges or real-life work which goes missing and obviously everything would be not useful once out of college. Plus the concepts of marketing are just of common sense and depends on how one uses it. 

Think twice before you think of an MBA, coz you have got MOOCs, YouTube and lot of short books you could read and improve than spend money and time and not get optimum ROI. 


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