Importance of Vision in Life !

It's normal to get low, get stuck, get confused in life. But what's abnormal is not finding a solution for it.

There are lot many reasons to get disheartened in life than to do cheers. Human beings have always been dependant on others for their happiness and to find inner peace.

In this topic Importance of Vision in life, we often wonder and question ourselves what is the purpose in life, what is my objective, what am I supposed to do, what can be that one thing I can accomplish in life. Many at times we may not even find a single task that we can focus on to accomplish it in this life and many times its vice versa that we find our objective too late we are tired to even accomplish that.

Each and every company or business is started by having a certain objective in mind which clears out all the air. Those objectives are in the simple sense known as Vision and Mission.

Vision and Mission induct the organization towards driving each and every force towards accomplishing that task. Because it is that thing which helps you define a product, define your customers, your communication, your interaction, your purpose with this organization.

If Vision and Mission are clear and followed diligently no company has to end up in losses.

Ever seen a Horse when riding is blinded on both his eyes to make it focus on the one straight path. Its vision is to reach a point which has predefined by its master and mission is to follow that path. See, It's that simple!

When these two terminologies are able to clarify an animal or a company why can't it define a person's life? I mean setting an objective or vision for yourself and trying to accomplish it is not a big task unless and until its unrealistic.

It can be anything, you name it and work on it. Being an owner of 2 houses, or setting up own business,  being always positive, earn more and more money, and vice versa is an example of all such things you can set yourself as a Vision and the checkpoints to achieve that is Mission.

Some classic examples of how companies grew based on their vision.

Vision Examples

Microsoft - A computer in every home and in every desk.

Alzheimer's Association - A world without Alzheimer's disease.

Google - To provide the world's information in just one click

Amazon - To become the world's most customer-centric company

Khan Academy - To provide free world-class education to anyone anywhere.

Mission Examples

IKEA - To create a better everyday life for many people.

TED - Spread Ideas

TESLA - To accelerate the world's transition into sustainable energy.

KKRwe aim to generate attractive investment returns by following a patient and disciplined approach, employing high-quality people, pursuing the highest standards of excellence, and aligning our interests with those of our investment partners.

Disney - To make everyone happy.

It is more important to incorporate into one's life because, as stated above we get confused, get stuck get low, in spite of all these things happening you need to keep on going because you have got a much more bigger task to accomplish for yourself. Which the importance of that vision is to keep your moving.

More importantly, this concept of Vision and Mission is utmost useful for people dealing with depression, health issues, or business losses, and structuring it rightly for them gives a run for their time.

You might feel low in life but never make it your lowest. You don't know what more life has to offer just play smart.


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