
10 Major Communication Skills to get ANY Job!

  Warren Buffett once famously said," One easy way to increase your worth by 50% is to enhance your communication skills." Here are 10  #communication  hacks to accelerate your career: 1. Talk in 3 points: My career in management consulting taught me a golden rule- You are an extraordinary hire if you can answer any question in 3 brief points. Today, I look for similar traits while hiring! 2. Be the last to speak: Nelson Mandela's father, a tribal chief, taught him a great lesson on communication- "It is important for a leader to be the last to speak." It's true that people who speak a lot, get listened the least! 3. Start with 'Outcome' first: Most young professionals answer a business question with effort and process first. The reality is CEOs appreciate 'outcome' first. If you start answering what is critical to others, you will become unbeatable! 4. Be loud and confident: Leaders like to invite people to jobs and meetings who increase the

Mission/contribution led careers

  You Don't Have To Work For Money But You Have To Work For Contribution, That's The Real Motivation In today’s world, we’re often told that money is the only thing that motivates us to work hard and do a good job. But what if there was more to motivation than just money? In this blog post, we'll explore why it might be more meaningful to focus on making a contribution rather than chasing a paycheck. We'll discuss how contributing to something greater than ourselves can bring us joy, satisfaction, and true motivation! The True Motivation The motivation to work should be based on more than just money. Money is important, but it's not the only thing that matters. The real motivation should be to make a contribution. When you're working towards a goal, it's easy to get sidetracked by things that don't matter. But if you keep your eye on the prize, you'll be more likely to achieve it. And when you do achieve it, you'll be able to look back and see th

Women-Led Relationships is the new equality

In a world where women are becoming increasingly empowered, it's no surprise that relationships between them and their partners are changing too. In this article, we'll explore the concept of Women Lead Relationships and why it is so important in creating an equal power dynamic between individuals. Find out why more and more couples are embracing this idea and how it can help improve your relationship. Since the olden age or a medieval period or let it be the present scenario the patriarchal society is continuously dominating the world.  Women though holding the major role in the family have to be in the men's dominion.Successful men always say there is a women's hand beyond their success, But women's place is just behind the curtain. In the yesteryears onwards women were restricted to their kitchen. Marriage was the only means that made women respected and helped to own the financial status. Right to speech, Right to education, Right to freedom, Right to hold the p