
Mission/contribution led careers

  You Don't Have To Work For Money But You Have To Work For Contribution, That's The Real Motivation In today’s world, we’re often told that money is the only thing that motivates us to work hard and do a good job. But what if there was more to motivation than just money? In this blog post, we'll explore why it might be more meaningful to focus on making a contribution rather than chasing a paycheck. We'll discuss how contributing to something greater than ourselves can bring us joy, satisfaction, and true motivation! The True Motivation The motivation to work should be based on more than just money. Money is important, but it's not the only thing that matters. The real motivation should be to make a contribution. When you're working towards a goal, it's easy to get sidetracked by things that don't matter. But if you keep your eye on the prize, you'll be more likely to achieve it. And when you do achieve it, you'll be able to look back and see th

Women-Led Relationships is the new equality

In a world where women are becoming increasingly empowered, it's no surprise that relationships between them and their partners are changing too. In this article, we'll explore the concept of Women Lead Relationships and why it is so important in creating an equal power dynamic between individuals. Find out why more and more couples are embracing this idea and how it can help improve your relationship. Since the olden age or a medieval period or let it be the present scenario the patriarchal society is continuously dominating the world.  Women though holding the major role in the family have to be in the men's dominion.Successful men always say there is a women's hand beyond their success, But women's place is just behind the curtain. In the yesteryears onwards women were restricted to their kitchen. Marriage was the only means that made women respected and helped to own the financial status. Right to speech, Right to education, Right to freedom, Right to hold the p

17 traits of elite professionals

In “The War of Art,” Steven Pressfield writes about the difference between amateurs and professionals. In this context, a professional does not just mean someone who gets paid. It means the highest echelon. The elite. I’ve been fascinated by this concept for years, going back to my time as a college graduate. What’s the thin line that separates an elite pro from everyone else? I’ve synthesized 17 traits of elite professionals from Pressfield’s book, plus my own observations:   1. Professionals are patient The professional understands delayed gratification. Unlike amateurs, they sustain consistent performance over long periods of time. They mentally prepare for the long haul ahead. 2. Professionals create order The professional swiftly and efficiently executes a mission. They cannot do this with their lives in shambles. Disorder creates chaos. Everything has a rightful place. 3. Professionals don’t glamorize The professional focuses on the labor, not the fruit of it. They are not distra

Why Marlboro' Ice blast cigarette sells so well? ๐Ÿšฌ

Why Marlboro' Ice blast cigarette sells so well? ๐Ÿšฌ Cigarette smoking is injurious to health I'm not promoting it but helping understand product adoption... How it happened ahd why it's popular among people . Let's start  2015 : Marlboro gave away free samples of Ice Blast ๐ŸงŠ 2022: Ice blast has changed the cigarette industry ๐Ÿ’ฐ Here's how Marlboro Ice blast sells so well ⬇️ Quick context ๐Ÿ—“ Back in 2015, Marlboro used to do extensive sampling of it's then newer variant of the cigarette "Ice blast". I wondered at first on why it's doing so? Fast forward to 2022 ✨ Go to a pan shop, and ask them what are the top 3 cigarette variants sold in last few years. They will most probably mention the Ice Blast variant to you. Cigarette is addictive ๐Ÿšฌ Once you are into it, it’s hard to go back. But, the whole space is highly controlled by different government policies especially on how the product is marketed. Here are the lessons to be learned from Ice blast

Why OTT platforms mingle with telcos? ❤️

The telco strategy of OTTs to sky rocket their subscriber growth? We cover this lesson today. Quick back story ๐Ÿง  Distribution is the queen, remember? Roll back in time & think about the days when you watched content on television - a world before OTT. Do you think your local cable operators ‘only’ made money through the monthly ₹80-100 subscription fee? Nopes. Even then, broadcasters paid large sums of money in the name of ‘carriage fees’ to make their channels available to millions. So, when your favourite OTT platform right swiped your telco operator - it was love at first sight. As much as ~400 million Indians will consume Netflix, PrimeVideo, HotStar, AltBalaji, SonyLiv, Zee5 & more OTTs through their telco operator bundles by 2023. So when did the party start? ๐Ÿพ After 2016, when Jio did the gimmick of cheap-data & free calling, the game changed forever. More than ever people were consuming content on their mobile phones, even in the remotest, most sparsely populated

Wealthiest people since the creation of Earth

These are the most exciting times we live in where every breakthrough is noted and often competed to over achieve it. Recently Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk crossed their wealths by more than $200 billion and their companies crossing a trillion dollars market capitalisation. Above benchmarks haven't been achieved until this year and are very calculative in the form of share held by them in their own companies.  Wealth these days is primarily driven by stock values or business ownership or even real estate and even sales or profits earned. Although that's s type of wealth but not the wealth which is liquid. Liquid wealth is tangible yet accessible at any time and can be stored, but the above mentioned wealth types are prevalent concerning these features. Although Jeff Bezos, Musk, Arnault, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Warren Buffett, etc are all some examples of wealthiest people alive, but these will fade away or their wealth wiped away for sure in near future and that's how the mar

How Zara nailed upselling with perfumes? ๐Ÿงด

  Fact : Zara's India revenue hit ₹1,815 Cr   Myth : It sells only clothes & nothing more  Here's how Zara's perfume upselling works  The Zara perfume strategy is a masterstroke in cross-selling Have you ever bought from Zara?  Do you remember the last time you went to the Zara store? What did you do observe during the checkout experience? Yeah, apart from the long queue. Enter - the Zara perfume collection. As soon as you get into the checkout line, you see this full stocked perfume rack. So what's so intriguing about this perfume cross sell touchpoint that makes it a instant buy. First, the captive shelf space  It hits the nail on capturing user attention when they aren't distracted of buying something else. Second, the price point  The average price point of a perfume bottle starts at ₹300 to ₹ 1,500 which is 50% of average Zara outwear. User won't think much about the price point. Check! Third, low variety on purpose  You won't find more than 6 to 7