India from Net Neutrality to Net Equality !
Telecom has been the victim of many issues since it was intercepted. Scams, cartels, price wars, additional offers, tough regulators, quantified use of telecom funds and businesses that were built on telecom services OTT and e-commerce. Billions of funds get poured in telecom sector every year. Last years auction itself raised more than Rs 150,000 lakh crore from bidders to provide services to retail consumers across different bandwidths. telecom companies in order to run business have to invest a lot on different activities like auction, deployment, technology, sales and marketing, branding, fixed costs of maintaining services levels, maintenance of the optical fibres, support systems and what not only to create a handful of revenue streams generated through voice calls, internet services, subscription services, VAS - Value Added Services etc. Telecom as an industry has seen less than 25 companies competing in the country for a billion population with heavy capital and low marg...