Students, Jobs and Universities of India - Has it become a joke?
Are you too one among those who have been given the advice of becoming a doctor or engineer? If the answer is yes, you have been sold a piece of advice that is worthless. This also states your level of submissiveness towards the baseless advice that we get randomly from family, relatives, and teachers. But what is that they tend to only give just 2 options which are either a doctor or an engineer? There are tons of different things, right? Like Digital marketing, creative arts, becoming a writer or a publisher, speaker, teacher or trainer, getting into sales, the entertainment industry and so many more. In this blog, we'll talk about education, how it started and what happened in such a way that there is chaos across the country which is leading to stagnant growth and unemployment too. When I started asking people as to how education started as per their knowledge if they knew, they were of opinion that, in olden days when people started realizing the urge of education for ...