
Showing posts with the label Situation

Gold and Indians

  Remember the last time you spoke about Gold at home? Was it for an investment, a wedding or just a muhurat day (say, for Diwali)? It’s fascinating how deeply rooted Gold is into Indian culture, even today. So how did we get to this point? The adoption (initial product market fit, PMF) for Gold happened when Indians lacked a currency. This was well before British ruled the Indian continent. Most kings & emperors (even Aurangzeb, The Mughals, Shivaji Maharaj & others) had reserves of casted Gold & Silver coins for trade. Then, Gold soon lost it’s PMF as the currency for trade   Everyone wanted to have a smooth payment option and reverted to cash, resulting in most countries moving to printed currency notes. This didn’t stop Gold though. Enter - World war I & II    Most currencies depreciated in value and could not store value during the period. This pushed the world & even British ruled Indians to not trust the government printed money and resorted them to Gold. Fas

Uber going Public but never made a profit !

Uber Inc., the world's most valuable startup valued at more than $78 billion is heading towards at IOP in May this year.  Started out of a problem experienced by the founders Travis Kalanick and Garret Camp who didn't get a cab one night while heading towards their hotel. This led them to start Uber and disrupt the transportation industry with a simple idea of bringing onboard demand and supply on an app.  Present in more than 600 cities across the globe under the leadership of is founder Travis Kalanick who had to leave Uber in 2016 forced by its board and investors due to series of scandals that himself and the company had faced in various countries.  It took 9 months for Uber to find their leader in Dara Khosrowshahi who built Expedia into a global travel powerhouse. Until then Uber had sold their business in China, SEA, Russia to DiDi, Grab and Yandex due to the stiff competition, sold and became an investor in their business in respective countries.  Under Dara, U

The secret to start learning for FREE.

Ever since the telecom war started, it gave inception to new industries and a much-needed boost to the internet ecosystem by terming "Data is the new Oil." Industries, people and businesses have been flooded with opportunities to make services and goods both affordable and accessible. There's no industry left which didn't get affected with the internet. People are moving rapidly presently more than 560 million users, which is set to go north at more than 627 million users in 2019. Better technology, cheap data rates, affordable smartphones, accessibility of services, specialized content. Education and learning too had a deeper impact at scale. Numerous resources are available to become skilled, become resourceful, to become relevant, to dig deeper into your interest areas and get command over your interest. Learning online has not only become accessible but costly too. There are businesses which provide courses for a particular sum and grant access which is

How parents are ruining their children's future!

They say a woman can make or even break a career. But when I look at the current situation it seems the responsibility of making or breaking a career has been shifted to parents. In my analysis over India's economy of wealth and value creation, the dimensions have been completely changed in terms of earning ability, purchasing power, buying assets, ownership of assets across categories,. Over more than 50% of India's population under the age of 25 years,  technically most of them were born in the early 90s, a decade which had welcomed LPG model of the economy led by the then Finance Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and transformed India into a new age economy which we live in today. This form of government had done wonders to the country and simultaneously wiped out the benefits working persons were seeking before the 90s when compared to today's working population. With the salaries of that could have bought houses, vehicles, assets, etc very much easier and due to the hi

The mechanism of How you get paid high or low !

Abhay and Dhruv graduated from a mid-tier college the same year. Like every other graduate, they started attending interviews. Abhay's family was highly educated which gave Abhay got clarity as to what he wants to accomplish. Dhruv was from a family where he was the first person to have formal education and was much confusion about where he lead his life. Abhay has got a mental maturity and knew what is possible and what's impossible and knew how to complete that task. Dhruv would be awestruck when he would begin to do any task that was majorly due to confidence issues and lack of simplifying information beforehand. Both of them cracked their own jobs and but within a span of 1 year Abhay grow professionally than Dhruv. Professionally in terms of skills, risk, clarity of short term and long term goals and mechanism of how to achieve it and focused consecutively on improving constantly over long term plan. Dhruv got relieved in his first job and focused on surviving in whic

Youth Unemployment ? That's a different story !

Unemployment in countries is a common phenomenon and the prominent agenda for political parties to win votes in any country across the world. India is witnessing a major unemployment crisis in this time period and a series of scams which made a hole in the country's economy.  Afghanistan President who was a key speaker at Lovely Professional Unversity's Convocation Summit in 2014 said India had one of the best education systems in the world and interestingly he completed his education up to 10th class in India.  India has given birth to more no. of CEOs than any other company. A leading majority of Fortune 500 companies had Indian CEOs. Those companies continue to hire talent every year from India too.  That's the story of Premium education, but all that glitters is not gold. The scenario is different for people who got an education from institutes other than the above mentioned. If we dig deeper the scenario of rural education is even worst. In Punjab, 60

Financial Literacy and Women - Why is it important?

The situation India is going through I doesn't imagine any other country is going through! High level of technological adaptability, cultural shifts, mindset shift, open-mindedness, bold initiatives, and risk-taking ability which Indians are getting exposed to now a decade sooner or later compared to other countries.  Though the country has evolved over a period of time but still chained itself to some deep-rooted traditional customs which aren't dealt diplomatically. Especially, even banks deny loans and advances to women and ask for surety in a male person's presence, making the situation wholly dependant.  Education for girls in India is at 65% literacy rate in 2018 when compared to 82% male. Reasons like poor economic condition,s value of education, quality of education, no. of persons in the family, strict rules for girls in households, perception etc all contribute to low education for women.  All in all, that's a clear explanation of why their co