
Showing posts from November, 2019

How to start investing in Stocks? Ask me Anything

How to start investing in Stocks? In a recent survey by Zerodha, it was found that Indian youth are NOT confident about the financial future and investment in stocks which led them to found stock trading app Zerodha. Eight out of 10 are NOT confident about their current financial situation, while nine out of 10 feel they are NOT financially ready for the future. Most cited lack of financial literacy skills in terms of investing and financial planning as one of the main reasons for the pessimistic outlook. Well, the good news is that financial literacy can be easily obtained and mastered if one puts in the effort and determination to learn. To begin, I will highlight 4 essential steps you need before you even open a stock trading account. A classic case of wealth maximization through stocks can be understood through MRF, Page Industries and Eicher Motors stocks.  Why these stocks specifically because these have been considered as classical examples in terms ...

High Costs, Taxes and poor us !

Imagine a situation, in which you're having a lavish car but no proper roads to drive it, where you're sick and the remedy is only government hospitals, where you're living your esteemed life but no security to it, where you buy products but no proper governing body to check the quality of the goods. At last, imagine a second situation in a world where you get a potential satisfaction of what that product is intended to provide. Which one would you prefer? Think about it. Take a minute and think about it again. Which one do you prefer? Obviously the second option right? Yes, we intend to purchase goods and services in which we can derive complete satisfaction. Similar is the case with taxes. In the Indian economy and households, it is a negative term as to what would happen if you pay taxes and according to them nothing happens and the government just collects money from us for free. In fact, some intelligent people argue as to why we have to pay taxes when living ...